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heghine ©Shannon Nikita

It is through her thoughtful and tenderly expressive music-making that she most deeply touches the emotions of audiences.

“...In Rapyan’s powerful multi-layered playing, every single sound carefully fitted into the soundscapes presented with sovereign self-confidence.
She makes the Piano to sound like an Orchester”
Neue Westfälische 2011

Heghine was born in the town of Gavar, Armenia. Already in her early childhood she was fascinated by the sound of the piano. She started to play the piano
at the age of three and began piano studies at the local music school with A. Zagaryan before going to work with Armen Babakhanian in Yerevan, in the Tschaikowsky Music School for talented children.

She was then, at the age of 15, accepted into Yerevan State Conservatory and in 2007 she graduated with the highest honours and was awarded the “Red Diploma”.
Later, she continued her piano studies in Austria, at the University of Mozarteum in Salzburg, where she worked with Professors Peter Lang and Rolf Plagge (Soloist Postgraduate piano performance).

Additionally, in 2017 Heghine completed with distinction her second master degree at Mozarteum and currently she is employed at Musikum Salzburg as a pianist and pedagogue while at the same time she is actively engaged in projects and performing recitals across Europe.

Her first concert tour in Germany, Austria and Netherlands was at the age of 16, after winning the Kawai Artist Price at the Armenian Legacy International Piano competition in Yerevan, in 2001. Since then she started her international way as a pianist by playing concerts and participating to competitions and festivals.

Heghine has performed in Europe & Asia : Rudolf-Oatker-Halle, Athens Megaron, Aram Kachaturian Concert Hall, Sofia Military Club & National Palace of Culture, Mozarteum Solitär, Shenzen Concert Hall, among others.
She participated in many festivals like Saudi Arabia “Aram Kachaturian 100”, Piano City Milano, Piano Extravaganza, Samsø International Piano.

She has collaborated with the Japanese conductor Hisayoshi Inoue and her performances have been broadcasted by the Tokyo National Radio.

Together with Min-Hao Tsai (Taiwan), Heghine concertises regularly as Piano-Duo.
Their unique recital of Austrian Composers repertoire was internationally broadcasted live  by the State National Radio of Austria, Ö1. 

heghine II ©Shannon Nikita

Heghine has performed as a soloist with the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Armenian National Chamber Orchestra, Salzburg Universität Orchestra & Female Symphony Orchestra of Austria.

She participated in master classes in Mozarteum Salzburg, in Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Zagreb, Sofia and Shenzhen, with Professors Peter Lang, Jura Margullis, Robert Levin, Ludmil Angelov and also Klaus Hellwig in Krefeld (D), organized by Kawai Europe.

Heghine has taken part in many national and international competitions including :
Arno Babajanian, 4th Armenian National Competition, 1995 Yerevan
(Special Prize of Jury)
New Name of Armenia, Music Competition, 1996 , Yerevan (Scholarship)
All Armenian Music Competition & Festival, 1996 , Yerevan (1st Prize)
Armenian Legacy International Piano Competition, 2001
(Special Prize Kawai Europe,most promising talent)
Stefan Elmas International Piano Competition, 2002 ,Yerevan (1st Prize)
Constantin Orbelian Scholarship Competition, 2003 , Yerevan (2nd Prize, Scholarship)
Delfiada International Piano Competition, 2004, Moldova (3rd Prize)
Robert Andresian National Piano Competition, 2005, Yerevan (3rd Prize)
Santorini International Piano Competition, 2005, Santorini (Diploma)
3rd International Cherogeorgiou-Sigara Competition, 2010 , Athens (2nd Prize)
14th International Piano Competition Luciano Gante, 2010, Pordenone (Diploma)

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